Author Archives: Staff

Outdoor learning

Children can be more active, attentive and engaged in learning when it takes place using the outdoor environment. All areas of the curriculum can be delivered using the outdoors. Using the outdoors for teaching, learning and play helps children to adopt positive life long learning skills, taking the emphasis away from education happening only in…

Pirate play

After a shower of rain in the Forest our little cherubs decided a plank was needed to cross the ‘swamp’. This quickly developed into some fantastic creative outdoor play about pirates! Our Preschool group have been using the knot book and some guidance from Miss Rianne and Miss Beth to create their own swords. They…

Bluebell questions

We have been looking at the changes to our Forest over time. Over the past few weeks the bluebells have sprouted and we want to keep them flourishing, and so we have been discussing how we can look after them. We have had many suggestions; ‘don’t stand on them cause the fairies houses will get…

The Great Manx Woodland Bake Off

The Great Manx Woodland Bake Off 🙂 Little Cherubs participated in Sport Relief 2016 to raise cash that will help to transform people’s lives across the UK and the world’s poorest communities. To do this little cherubs got creative by making mud pies in a woodland setting using only natural ingredients 🙂 Little Cherubs had…

The Woodland in Spring

Spring is one of the most exciting times to be in the woods, with signs of bluebells and daffodils and birds building their nests our Little Trekkers had a fantastic time last week, and what great weather we had to explore all that nature has to give!    

Our Woodland Garden

Little Cherubs Nature Kindergarten are delighted to confirm we have been fortunate in acquiring the use of some private land to continue our outdoor learning and forthcoming Forest School sessions. Today’s session involved exploring their new surroundings, establishing boundaries by carefully placing red tape in areas the children helped identify as unsafe and the associated…

Save your Scrap

Dear Parents At Little Cherubs we are always looking for new idea’s to capture your child’s imagination and love of learning through play. To help them become more creative and develop new skills we need your help in providing the following We are looking for material, sheets you no longer use, plastic pots and containers,…

Fire safety training

A great fire training session on Sat up at Castletown fire station! Little Cherubs are committed to the health and safety of all our children and staff, both indoors and out. A big thank you to Nick and Chris for delivering a very interesting hands on session

Forest School Training

Congratulations to Miss Rianne on completion of her OCN accredited Forest School level 3 training. As you know Rianne has spent some time this year training with MindStretchers, a centre of excellence in Scotland with the fabulous Claire Warden who has just been awarded the grand title of “Exceptional Master Leader”. Forest School qualification is…

Log chair

A big thank you to Heartwood Tree Surgery and Landscape Management for the very generous supply of logs and for our very first “Log Chair” amazing! thank you. Our Little Cherubs will have great fun putting that to good us.


So! what did your little cherubs get up to over Halloween? partying, face painting and a scary walk through the woods to find a witches cauldron :-0 did they find one? have a look and see

Upcycled garden furniture

I love my girls 🙂 definitely have the best team of EYFS Practitioners, who would work long hours and then stay after work to do some up cycling so our little cherubs can have some fab tables and stools? bit more sanding and painting to do but cannot wait to post the finished product 🙂…

Happy Birthday Little Cherubs

Happy Birthday Little Cherubs 🙂 What a fantastic day we have all had, and what a successful year it has been too. One year ago today we opened our doors to 12 children and 12 months on, with no advertising, and just recommendation’s Little Cherubs is proud to say we are full until Sept 2017!…

Enabling Environments

Being outdoors has a positive impact on children’s sense of well-being and helps all aspects of children’s development. At Little Cherubs we encourage our children to appreciate nature, plants, insects, animals and the natural world in order to understand its processes and the patterns of the seasons. The use of natural materials in play and…


Congratulation’s to Elif & Graihagh. Your big day is almost here! and we know you are both really excited about your new adventure. School opens the door of knowledge and builds the foundation for the future. Have a memorable first day at school and we wish you every success. From all at Little Cherubs xxxxx


Developing a mathematically rich learning environment both indoors and outdoors provides children with opportunities to develop and improve their skills in counting and to understand Shape, Space and Measuring. Natural materials that are found outdoors, such as twigs, conkers, chestnuts, shells and pebbles can be sorted and graded according to size or shape. At Little…

Summer fun

Our summer fun continued incorporating many of the early years learning goals. Creative & expressive arts by creating roll play area’s for the children to play in and use their imagination. Trips to the park that promote physical development that is inventive, adventurous and stimulating and lastly hands on activities that help our children to…

Minibeasts and their habitats

What’s more exciting to children than minibeasts and their habitats? During our mini beast topic in June the children used their senses to look, listen and touch their way around their outdoor space – encouraging a sense of curiosity that could lead to adventures and imaginative play. We took a range of pictures to show…