Four elements

The Birth to Three Matters provides four elements for establishing a healthy foundation for early childhood development. These four elements are:

  • A strong child
  • A skilful communicator
  • A competent learner
  • A healthy child

We strive to utilise a curriculum that simultaneously nurtures all four healthy components of development.

Our Birth to Three Matters Curriculum

At Little Cherubs Nursery School, we never do just the bare minimum. Instead, we aim to go above and beyond with each child, in each interaction, and at every opportunity we get. Our curriculum embraces health, safety, critical thinking, and a lifetime love of learning. We’ve implemented each of the four key components of healthy development in the following ways:

A Strong Child

Strong children need a strong sense of self, and we aim to help develop and foster your child’s sense of individuality and her or his self-esteem. We help your child feel acknowledged and affirmed each day and in each interaction. We help your child develop self assurance by encouraging him or her to develop self-sufficiency and the ability to perform progressively more complex tasks. We offer your child a sense of belonging by providing unconditional love, support, affirmation, and play.

A Skilful Communicator

Communication touches every area of life, and we know that a healthy foundation is the key to a lifetime commitment to strong and skilful communication. We embrace togetherness by encouraging daily social activities, sharing, and discussions of thoughts and feelings. We help children master listening and responding by modelling these skills and teaching children how to fairly and appropriately engage with others. We help children find their own voice by nurturing their curiosity and their adventurous spirits, and we aid children in finding meaning by helping them to influence, help, and communicate with their peers.

A Competent Learner

We know that children who make connections learn to love education, and we help children see how their interests connect to educational pursuits. Whether it’s colouring or playing with blocks, we’ll find a way to help your little one make learning-oriented connections. We know that imagination and creativity are foundational skills for a lifetime of learning, and we nurture both by encouraging artistic development, creative thinking, and an experimental spirit. We help children begin representing the world with marks and symbols through drawing and other forms of creative play, because we know this symbolic thinking forms the bedrock of excellent language development.

A Healthy Child

At Little Cherubs Nursery School, your child’s health and safety are of paramount importance. We offer healthy, delicious, and nutritious meals, and we’re well-prepared to nourish babies who breastfeed or drink formula We also know that health is about more than safety. It also requires a commitment to a child’s mental and emotional health. We help children feel loved and cared for, and we strive to help them feel both physically and psychologically safe.

Age 0-8 months



Heads up, lookers, and communicators


Developmental Trends

During this age, babies use their bodies to react to and communicate with others. They observe and respond to their environments and attempt to communicate with people around them – even though they can’t yet talk.

Age 8-18 months



Sitters, standers, and explorers


Developmental Trends

Babies become more self-directed and intentional when exploring their environments, and begin developing stronger language and mobility skills.

Age 18-24 months



Movers, shakers, and players


Developmental Trends

During this age, children make clear strides toward independence and become more adept communicators and movers. Play, particularly pretend play, is a key method children use to communicate and learn.

Age 24-36 months



Walkers, talkers, and pretenders


Developmental Trends

Pretend play becomes of paramount importance, and children gain increasing self-confidence as well as better skills at forming and maintaining relationships. Their mobility skills are more akin to a child’s skills than a baby’s.