Beautiful woods
As the mornings grow lighter and the day grows longer, the woods are getting more alive and more beautiful! Looking forward to the next stage of our forest school planning.
As the mornings grow lighter and the day grows longer, the woods are getting more alive and more beautiful! Looking forward to the next stage of our forest school planning.
The benefits of outdoor play for children are numerous and should engage in plenty of outdoor play regardless of the season. Physical activity improves children’s attentiveness and it decreases restlessness. It is a joy to see children with rosy red cheeks. This week we have spent a lot of our time outdoors enjoying the winter…
Developing balance and co-ordination
Sensory exploration helps babies and young children to learn about the seasons and the world around them (KOW) The texture of sand & soil and the rustle of autumn leaves allows them to absorb information through their senses.
The changing seasons are perfect for some outdoor fun Great balancing and co-ordination I wonder where that water is coming from? where is it going to?
*********Topic of the Month********** *********The Changing Seasons********** KOW ( knowledge of the world) is one of the EYFS area’s that helps children learn about the world around them and the environment. This helps provide a good basis for early childhood education. One of the ways in which we have done this is to help them…
******Norovirus***** Dear Parents When children are unwell or have vomiting and/or diarrhoea it is particularly important to keep them off from nursery or out of school when they present symptoms and should remain off for the relevant exclusion period to prevent the spread of the illness. Isle of Man Government Guidance on infection control We…
HO!! Ho!! ho!! Write a letter to Santa Claus? Yes children its true! Just finish this letter Santa’s waiting for you! From the North Pole, Santa will send your reply… faster than Rudolph the reindeer can fly!! The children loved posting their letters to Santa and what a fast reply we received
Over the past couple of weeks the children have been very busy making beautiful Christmas cards and decorations. We are going to have some very decorative Christmas trees this year!
Keeping to the theme of Christmas the children had great fun making fake sensory snow. The look on their faces says it all
Santa’s visit was a great success. It was lovely to see all the children’s faces light up as they visited Santa in his grotto
More great pictures form this month’s album. Soo cute just had to share them
A new challenge was set to find the ideal place to create a new den! not only did we find it but one with our very own landslide 🙂 Our children love the outdoors’s where there is more space to be creative. Taking part in physical activities (like walking, climbing, pulling branches, digging) makes them…
So! what have been up to this month? Choosing the topic “People Who Help Us” has kept us very busy indeed. There are lots of people who help us in the community and it’s great to learn about how they help us in our day-to-day lives. Some of these people help us in emergencies, like…
Our Little Cherubs, the two adorable Amelia’s 🙂 enjoying the fresh autumn sunshine
And! for some outdoor Halloween fun
HAPPY HALLOWEEN to all our little cherubs and what a fun time we all had, 2 days of partying with plenty of games, prizes and spooky treats 🙂 Have a look through our party pictures but beware! there may be some spooky ones
Autumn is a wonderful season for outdoor learning experiences. The changing colour of the autumn leaves is a great opportunity for exploring science, art and literacy with young children. This month we have encouraged the children to look carefully at leaves, discovering their different shapes. Can they find out which trees they come from? Do…
Our babies getting plenty of stimulation & fresh air – Warning! can make you sleepy
Healthy! Happy! Children!
What a busy week 🙂 our planning programme here at Little Cherubs Nature Kindergarten involves children learning outside at every opportunity throughout the year. The activities the children have done this week ( yes in the rain!) involved sensory, imagination and physical development by collecting leaves, sticks and whatever they could find to make creative…
Little Cherubs Nature Nursery (Strang)
All year except Christmas to New Year, Thursday and Friday of TT week and all Bank Holidays.