Author Archives: Staff

Autumn collecting

What a lovely colourful collection, washed and ready to go 🍂🍁 all collected by our very own preschool Cherubs. Halloween is just around the corner so plenty of sticks will be needed for our witches brooms 🧙‍♀️ Happy Friday everyone 😊

Outdoor Fun

Over the past few weeks our new baby cherubs have been exploring their new indoor and outdoor surroundings. They have loved their walks to the glen, happily playing amongst the autumn leaves and collecting a stick or 2 🙂 even having a picnic in the Autumn sunshine! Learning outdoors provides a wonderful sensory experience which…

Little Cherubs Graduation 2019

A big thank you to all our parents who attended our graduation ceromony this evening. It was emotional and funny sharing all the wonderful stories of your little one that we have all gotten to know so well. Each passing year it doesn’t get any easier saying goodbye, but we are proud to have been…

Wooden Play Equipment

The have finally arrived! it’s been a long wait but from today’s fun in the garden it was well worth it 🙂 whether it’s sunny or raining the fun will continue! something for everyone

Exploring outdoors

Sunny days are starting to make a regular appearance and we have even enjoyed a handful of warm ones recently. Children have bundles of energy so getting outside is a great way of connecting with nature and releasing all that energy. These photo’s show how much fun the children are having and doing exactly what…

Staff meeting in the forest

Such a lovely evening to have a staff meeting, and no better place than the forest. Sitting there listening to the sounds of the cows and baby lambs in the background while Esther collected the wild garlic for Miss Louise and Elise to fry on the pan with plenty of butter, delicious! It was a…

Trip to Noble’s park

This morning our chestnuts enjoyed a trip to Nobles park. Being outdoors allows young children more space and freedom for big movements, like running, jumping, kicking and throwing. Our chestnuts put their climbing skills to the test and there was no stopping them. After using up all that energy Miss Louise (in the Eskimo coat…

Crisp packet recycling and Hedgehogs

Little Cherubs Nursery in Union Mills has joined the Crisp packet recycling scheme and gone the extra mile by placing their Non biodegradable plastic into plastic bottles( Eco Bricks ) ! Manx Hedgehog Conservation Society went along to talk about the importance of protecting our environment & wildlife …. The charity will be supporting the…

Forest School Awards

Well done Miss Louise, you have worked hard to achieve this and it has paid off. We are very proud of our forest school practitioners (Louise, Rianne and Elise) working full time, studying after hours , outdoor first aid courses and travelling to the UK for assessments! shows their passion and commitment to the job…

Sensory Garden

This month our nature babies have been learning through sound, smell, tastes and touch. With a balance of outdoor and indoor activities, this allows our babies to have a diverse learning experience. So! what have they been up to? 🙂 They have been getting messy with soil and vegetables to create a sensory garden, using…

Finger print Flowers

Today our baby cherubs had great fun getting messy. Not only is finger painting lots of fun, it is also excellent for the development of all the big and small muscles. Finger painting is wonderful for the development of colour recognition, developing creativity skills and simple cause and effect thinking skills

Golden moments

Enjoying the sunshine outdoors this week was the perfect place for our baby cherubs to enjoy the freedom to play, shout, jump and run. The changing nature of the outdoors makes it a stimulating and sensory place for babies to play and increases their knowledge & understanding of the world. These lovely moments were captured…

The Land of the Trolls!

This mornings adventures took our Preschool group to the land of the trolls. We started the trip finding sticks and leaves and tied them together to make into paintbrushes which we will use to paint with back at nursery. We then explored the river, throwing stones and sticks. And in the distance a troll was…

Flowers and Spring

This month we are learning about flowers and spring. So this weeks trips have been in the beautiful glen. We have been looking at the flowers and leaves in the glen (The trees are fabulous and have great hiding places inside!). We each had a plastic cup and collected flowers, leaves and natural items to…

Scarlet Fever

Scarlet Fever is an easily spread, bacterial illness and is usually mild – symptoms to look out for are sore throat, headache, fever and a fine, pinkish or red rash with a sandpapery feel. If signs of scarlet fever are suspected, it is important to contact your doctor. • Early antibiotic treatment is important and…

Forest school level 3 qualification

Little cherubs are committed to providing quality training to all our staff. We believe having qualified staff helps to make a positive difference to children’s learning. Elise is our third member of staff to undertake her Forest school level 3 qualification. You may not have seen Elise recently as she is tucked away in some…

Bug hotels

This week our little cherubs have been busy learning about the natural world around them. Miss Elise’s group had great fun making bug hotels. Creating a safe place for the little bugs to live teaches children compassion for living creatures and helps them to develop empathy and respect for animal habitats

Trolls and fairies in the woods

Each trip outdoors with our little cherubs brings it’s own adventures as you never know where their wonderful imagination’s will take you! During our recent trip to the woods the children had decided the trolls had cut down the huge tree as they didn’t like the fairies! they climbed the huge tree to look for…


Today’s trip was all about sticks: 🌲finding sticks, hiding sticks, piling up sticks and Comparing sticks. Next week we will be looking in more detail at the sticks, using them in craft, talking about where they came from, how old they are etc. Some of the children watched room on the broom during the christmas…

Santa in the woods

Being an outdoor nursery there was nothing more fitting than to end the year creating outdoor Christmas magical experiences for all our children, the fairy Glen and Santa in the woods are both magical memories they will always remember and we are very happy to have be apart of it all ☺ a big thank…

Christmas Dinner

Christmas dinner day 🥦🌽🍗🍴🎄 Big Thank you to our incredible cook Miss Jade for our scrummy dinner☃️ Merry Christmas everyone🎅🏻